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Brama wjazdowa jest jedną z najbardziej reprezentacyjnych części posesji, a zarazem stanowi najczęściej użytkowany element ogrodzenia. Wygląd bramy, jak również jej wytrzymałość zależą od materiałów użytych do produkcji oraz od jej fachowego wykonania. Aby poprawić parametry bram, nakłada się na nie specjalne powłoki ochronne, które są niezbędne do zapewnienia maksymalnej trwałości i długowieczności.


Powder coating and galvanizing (also known as hot dip galvanizing) are some of the more commonly used processes in door manufacturing. Powder coating is the electrostatic application of dry powder to a metal surface and then curing it to form a stable protective layer. Zinc plating, on the other hand, involves immersing the parts in a bath of molten zinc, heated to a temperature of about 440-460°C. Here are ten advantages of galvanized and powder coated gates:

1. Protection against corrosion

Zinc alloys form a special coating on the surface that undergoes passivation when the zinc reacts with oxygen or water to replace the interior metal. Powder coating, on the other hand, creates a barrier that prevents the gate from being penetrated and damaged from the inside.

2. Resistance

Gates with zinc or powder coatings are resistant to physical, chemical and atmospheric agents (e.g. UV radiation, extreme temperatures). Zinc coatings are also characterized by high resistance to friction and impact.

3. Constant thickness

The benefits of powder coating and hot dip galvanizing include the ability to create thicker coatings than with traditional paints. Every recess and corner is evenly coated, thus providing uniform protection.

4. Affordable

With powder coating, almost 100% of the material is used due to the possibility of recovering un-deposited particles, which lowers the cost of coating production. In addition, applying the coating is cheaper than buying a door made of stainless steel, for example.

5. Reducing maintenance costs

A stable, durable coating provides a significant reduction in maintenance costs, and low repair requirements mean that less material is used over the life of the door.

6. Speed of production

The door components are ready for use immediately after galvanizing or powder coating. Components require no further processing, minimizing order time, and the door can be in use the same moment installation is complete.

7. Easy to control the state of preservation

The condition of a galvanized gate’s coating can be visually inspected without the use of destructive thickness testing. There is also no need to inspect what is happening under the coating and what condition the interior is in, because the electrolytic oxidation of zinc counteracts the corrosion of the gate.

8. Environmentally friendly

Powder coating is an environmentally and human health friendly process because the coatings do not contain harmful solvents or release volatile organic compounds into the atmosphere.

9. Aesthetic

The resulting powder coatings, thanks to their considerable thickness (60-80 μm), are free of deformation, have no streaks, and the color is evenly distributed. In addition, the coating can be formed even in hard-to-reach cavities.

10. Long service life

Due to the strong electrolytic bond between the metal (e.g. iron) and the zinc layer, galvanized gates can last up to 50 years. This is due to the mentioned protection against water and oxygen.